Did you know that through our sister site www.swagcrazy.com we promote small businesses? We donate gift bags to events, fundraisers, charity organizations and business surprise drops that are full of YOUR business promotional items. To help your business get more exposure within a community of your choice. We currently have 95 Distributors in 30 States! Choose your area and market more exposure. Send in what you want in the bags and we distribute them to the events. We even have a local drop spot here in Fort Myers for your convenience. It's a low cost program designed just for small businesses!
Swag Crazy Images is an additional service that is available here in our Fort Myers and local surrounding area. We not only do business head shots but can also come in and take candid's of your business, events or employees for ads, business cards, social media marketing and more. We also post them on our community center on our website to show off what's happening in our community. Want to get your business more exposure and join in the fun within the community?! Give us a call, we would love to have you in the small business program.
Here are some fun candid's and product samples we did for Cerio's Jewelry here in Fort Myers. Cerio's Jewelry is also a part of our small business program with Swag Crazy. We also currently do their product shoots, ad design for social media and even marketing social media ads for them as well.
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